+1 (240) 869-1020

Dedicated to provide the best In-home health care.

Welcome to Prestige In Home Care Agency

Discover a new level of compassionate care and personalized support for seniors and children at Prestige In-Home Care Agency. As a family-oriented team, we prioritize building genuine connections with our clients, ensuring they receive the highest quality of care in the comfort of their own homes. Our dedicated registered nurses along with certified professionals work hand-in-hand with you to create a tailored care plan that addresses your unique needs. With our comprehensive range of services, including clinical assessment, medication management, and specialized care, we’re committed to enhancing your well-being and providing the utmost comfort. 


Prestige In Home Care provides these medically supervised services to the patient at home:

Better Care Starts with You!


Prestige In-Home Care truly made a difference in my life. Their caregivers not only provided expert care, but they became like family. The companionship and attention to my needs have been a true blessing.

Emily Reynolds

I can't thank Prestige In-Home Care enough for their outstanding service. The caregiver's kindness, patience, and assistance with daily tasks have allowed me to maintain my independence and dignity in the comfort of my own home.

Susan Miller

The team at Prestige In-Home Care made a challenging situation much easier to navigate. Their dedication to my loved one's well-being and the professionalism of their staff exceeded our expectations.

Mark Lawson

Choosing Prestige In-Home Care was the best decision for my family. The caregivers not only provided exceptional care but also brightened our days with their companionship. We're grateful for the peace of mind they've brought into our lives.

James Walker